Before 1
Here you can see the cracked foundation and the separation due to the settling overtime.

Before 2
This is another image that shows the separation of the foundation due to settlement and sinking. The masonry work on this home was not up to code. The mason did a stack bond job on the masonry which caused the foundation to crack and have less structural strength overall.

Before close up
Here you can see the extreme separation occurring in this foundation. This is clearly not safe, when we are finished on this job the home will be safe and structurally sound.

Pier 1
This is a image of one of the piers that we used to stabilize this home. The system is driven down in the ground using hydraulics, once we reach stable ground we then install the piering system to support the home.

Pier 2
This is another example of the piers we use to support and stabilize your home.

Pier 3
Here you can see another example of the piering system.

Side support
This foundation started crumbling and falling apart so to push the foundation back we used the SmartJack, to push the foundation back and save the corner of the home from collapsing.

Concrete 1
This foundation was a disaster so in order to provide a perfect solutiuon we poured concrete under the foundation as a extra precautionary measure to ensure the complete structural integrity of your home we always go the extra mile.

Concrete 2
This is another view of the concrete we used as an extra reinsurance measure.

Parging 1
We parged this foundation when we were done to help with the aesthetics of the home.

Parging 2
Here you can see another image of our beautiful and professional work. All of the mortar joints and cracks were filled. We also core filled the block to aid in the strength of the wall.

Parging 3
This is another angle of the beautiful work we do, every job we treat as if we are working on our own home and have an extremely high attention to detail.